Web-based application of the trained ANN using the example of a heat exchanger
To provide our customers an easy and convenient access to this complex technology, the input data can be imported via an intuitive web-based user interface. Then the trained ANN finds the corresponding tendencies for the specified target value and provides our customers with the corresponding output.
The application is provided as a cloud application. The information ist secure. We work exclusively with European data centers that guarantee high standards, among other things in field of privacy protection, client segregation and availability.
The following graphic represents the web-based process using the heat exchanger as an example.
Initially select the trained ANN model for instance, heat sink. Then enter the appropriate input parameters, such as length, number of ribs, rib spacing, and position. In the background, the already trained ANN determines your result in a short time. In our case, the cooling capacity [W]. You can have your results and the used parameters output to a file or execute new calculations until you have determined your optimal variant, without having to perform new CFD analyses.
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